jueves, 7 de mayo de 2009

Ana 2º ESO

1. What are your names and how old are you ?I am Ana.I am 14 years old
2. Do you like your school and why ?I do not like,but it is my duty
3. Which subject in school is the best for you and why ?Social sciences,I like the history
4. Are in your school extracurricular classes and are you join them ?No
5. What’s your favourite book ? And why ?Prince of the fog,Because it's fun
6. Do you have a public personality that you admire and why ?Yes, because he is beautiful
7. What human quality is the most important and why ?It's the personality, because each human is diferent.
8. What are your food specialities? Fried eggs,chips and pizza
9. What is your favorite music? Flemish and reggaeton
10. What is your favorite hobbies? Playing the football and riding